Our Values

Our Values Cameron 21/02/2022

Tovi Gifts was established with the core principle of operating a triple bottom line – where People, the Planet & Profit are equally important.

Our approach of operating in both UK & Sri Lanka ensures that we can genuinely and meaningfully ensure that our principals of having a positive impact on both People and the Planet – can be realised. On a daily basis we can manage and improve our environmental impact by working directly across our supply chain looking for improvement. We can directly – right down to an individual person or family ensure we have a targeted and meaningful with our charitable work. 

A key part of this is our on-the-ground team – who are actually living in the community and intimately understand where we can deliver the most benefit. We are in a unique position to genuinely give back to our community including exposing our team to the latest digital marketing and ecommerce concepts and technology to actually providing food, school supplies or other direct support to those in need.

Taking care of people and the PlanetWe are proud to be doing our part towards championing environmental awareness & sustainability.

Carbon Neutral business

We offset emissions through our support of many environmental programs.

Supporting Communities

Creating positive opportunities for growth for our artisans and their team.

Charitable Contributions

Impacting the lives of communities and giving direct to charitable causes.

Fairtrade Advocates

We aim to achieve sustainable and equitable trade relationships.