Recycled Plastic Notebooks

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Recycled Plastic Notebooks Cameron 18/03/2022

Tovi 100% Recycled plastic notebooks with Elephant Dung paper

Our Notebook covers are unique. We use polyethylene plastic, commonly found in food packaging such as biscuit and chocolate bar wrappers and is broadly considered “un-recyclable”, to create our handmade, one of a kind covers.  Our beautiful notebook covers are complemented by using Elephant dung paper. The elephant dung paper is handcrafted, tree-free, eco-friendly and odourless (thankfully). Learn more about Elephant Dung paper here.

The paper is amazing to write or draw on, and with every page produced you can be proud knowing that you are not only preventing de-forestry, but actively helping to conserve the elephant population.

Every Tovi recycled notebook is slightly different, as the final recycled plastic cover is a combination of different colour plastics used on the outside of food wrappers plus the silver lining used on the inside.  Bright pops of colour remind you every day how you are part of the solution.

The Process

The Tovi recycled notebook is unique in that we use generally unrecyclable polythene plastic food packaging waste such as biscuit and chocolate bar wrappers to create our 100% recycled and handmade plastic notebook covers.  Our incredibly beautiful and individually unique notebook covers are complemented by using Elephant dung paper!

Our recycled elephant dung paper is handcrafted, tree-free, eco-friendly and odourless (of course!)! This beautiful paper is amazing to write or draw on, and you know with every page. ‘ you know with every page you are not only saving trees being cut down and pulped to make ‘normal’ paper, but you are actively helping to conserve the elephant population.

Every Tovi recycled notebook is slightly different, as the final recycled plastic cover is a combination of different colour plastics used on the outside of food wrappers plus the silver lining used on the inside.  Bright pops of colour remind you every day how you are part of the solution.

Click here to learn more about the recycling process.

plastic bag pile with plastic
Collection of Plastics
Made using both pre-consumer waste plastic sourced straight from food manufacturers and post-consumer waste which is collected by many community members to help generate income and save their local environment.
tovi gifts pile of sorted plastic bits
Separate and Sorting
All waste plastic is collected, separated by type and colour; and from there it is processed on a small-scale community focused ‘village factory’ to individually handcraft our plastic notebook covers and placemats.
tovi giftts pressing machine for elephant dung paper
Who Flung Dung

Handmade using a combination of elephant dung and post-consumer wastepaper that is chlorine and acid free, the final process is incredibly sustainable and helps protect the elephant population.

Our process is an incredibly low-tech, hand-crafted approach to the global plastic waste problem that directly prevents plastic from either being buried in landfill or burned

100% Recycled Plastic
Handmade with Love
Planet Friendly
Small-Scale Production
Tree Free Paper
Chemical Free
Elephant Friendly
Refillable Product