Working with our Wholesale Customers

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Working with our Wholesale Customers Hashen Peiris 15/03/2022
a giftware shopfront

Tovi Gifts operates primarily as a supplier of unique, high quality giftware items from Sri Lanka.  With a fulltime team of 15+ people in Sri Lanka, as well as our team in the UK and Australia – we work primarily with high quality giftware stores in the UK, Europe and the United States.

Depending upon the location of our wholesale customers we either supply from our warehouse in the UK or directly from our Sri Lankan warehouse.  We are not a supplier that sells 1000’s or 10,000’s of the same item – go to Amazon for that!  We supply a curated, bespoke collection of high-quality items sourced with free trade principals.

Our wholesale customers have a minimum order value/quantity with each order, and we then ship either the next day for in-stock items or within 7-days when we airfreight these from our Sri Lankan warehouse.  This ensures we keep our supply chain under control, don’t have excess stock and importantly ensures we can continue to work and support our artisanal producers.

We also have the ability to work with our wholesale customers to source or have produced special request items.  Do you want 20x wooden elephant statues painted in pride colours?  Then get in touch today!